Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Dr. Splorchy Presents: SPACE HEROES is a Google Daydream VR game from Squanchgames. The first game I've ever worked on is finally here! The first background was inspired by a drive through Massachusetts and seeing a small town name, Braintree, as we were passing by and later did a quick sketch in our hotel room. I did at least 40 variations of aliens before we landed the middle one. Lastly Splorchys lab views, for more info on the game check out http://www.squanchgames.com/drsplorchypresents/

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

GONE FISHIN' - Dad Comics

A documentation of a funny misunderstanding. All he wanted was something to hook a truck with, ha!

Monday, June 11, 2018


The game I've been jamming away on for the past year was announced today at E3! 'Trover Saves the Universe' created by Justin Roiland, is a sci-fi comedy/adventure game where your dogs have been kidnapped and stuffed into a beak faced lunatic's eyeholes and is using their life essence to destroy the universe! Originally developed for PSVR and will also be available on PS4 as well. This is the first teaser poster I worked on to help launch the game. Go to troversavestheuniverse.com to learn more!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

SEASONAL HEART - Squanchgames Sketch Prompt

Oh, the belated Valentines day card. This was for our Squanchgames sketch club prompt, 'valentines day mascot'. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

HOT DOG TIME MACHINE - Squanchgames Sketch Prompt

Squanchgames does a weekly prompt thats open to the public on Instagram. This weeks prompt was 'hot dog machine'. The previous weeks prompt was 'some f*****g shape', originally just a swirl of a brushstroke that your supposed to make something out of using the same shape and stroke. Thought it would be fun to capture the whole Rick and Morty/McDonald's riot, with a crab/dragon a la 'Mushu' from Mulan going AWOL for szechuan sauce.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Our company had a sketch prompt this week of "undiscovered species" and thus, this was born.

#1 DAD

I had to document a funny moment driving through Massachusetts with my family. A crazy driver next to us was blaring his horn uncontrollably and flicking me off incessantly as I continued to stay in my lane and wonder WTF! As he sped off, my son thought he was trying to race our car and that his gracious middle finger communicated that I was number one in his eyes! Ha!